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Blog: What Buffett's $500 million investment in Suncor means to Strata Oil
August 26, 2013

Posted by Ron Daems, President

It has now been revealed that Warren Buffett has taken a major position in Suncor Energy, Alberta's leading oil sands producer. Industry analysts view this as a strong indicator of Wall Street's increasing appetite for oil sands stocks, with Peter Tertzakian of Arc Financial describing it as "a turning point" and others speculating it could signal good news for potential approval of the XL Pipeline.

It may also be the "breakthrough" that Alberta bitumen producers have been looking for in the market. Already, several of Wall Street's leading firms have taken major positions in "Carbonate Triangle" bitumen companies --- with Warburg Pincus, Blackstone Capital, and Goldman Sachs all piling in. Buffett's $500 million stake is the "icing on the cake" many of us have been waiting for.

Of additional interest to Strata Oil shareholders is the fact that Suncor's successful CEO (Rick George) recently left Suncor to join a small "carbonate" bitumen player named OSUM Oil Sands. This is clearly an endorsement of the prospects for carbonate-hosted bitumen production in Alberta.

Plus, another carbonate player, Laricina Energy, has just announced approval for commercial production from its bitumen carbonate project, designed to produce up to 10,700 barrels per day.

All this translates into an important fact: momentum is building in Alberta's bitumen carbonate play, and Strata Oil has one of the largest and most attractive projects.

Strata Oil has a recoverable resource of 887 million barrels of crude, and a total resource of 3.4 billion barrels. Our plan is to produce from it with a proven technology known as cyclic steam.

Our Cadotte Central project is estimated to have a Net Present Value (NPV) of USD $1.3 billion, and our newly revised combined total of 887 bbls of recoverable bitumen provides significant additional upside potential which hasn't even been factored into our current $1.3 billion calculations.

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